I began building software in high school as a self-taught freelance web developer, mainly with Flash and PHP. In 2012 I got my first job as an employee working with ASP.NET (web forms and MVC). In the following 5 years, I moved on from Developer to Tech lead and finally Project leader.

I’m driven by a passion for creating and learning, which is why halfway through 2017, I decided to become an independent developer and entrepreneur.

These days I’ve been working with Node.js, .NET Core and learning Svelte and game development with Phaser.

Live coding sessions

Starting in 2021, I began coding most of my personal projects live on Twitch: twitch.tv/paulasantamaria. I enjoy doing what I love on stream while chatting with other developers. I’ve learned a lot about the process and even had the satisfaction of helping others as well.


Check out my blog about software development and entrepreneurship in dev.to/paulasantamaria.


When I’m not coding, writing, or talking about code, I’m usually playing guitar or drawing. I also love podcasts, books and videogames.